Zacks Resource People- Quantitative Analytics
Adam Cohen, CFA
Senior V.P. Quantitative Consulting
Adam has worked in the quantitative consulting group for the past 10 years. He has worked as both an analyst and most recently, as director of quantitative consulting. The quantitative consulting group:
- Conducts market research studies on factors moving the market - How has buying stocks with high short interest performed?
- Creates custom indices used for benchmarks & ETF
s - Developed Semi-Active Indices being run as an ETF - Executes performance evaluation studies on the stocking-picking prowess of sell-side analysts - How has Broker Model Portfolio
s performed versus the Markets?
Cohen holds a BS degree in Business from Indiana University.
Please provide feedback on additional information that you might need to Terry Ruffolo,Director of Media Relations, at 312-265-9213 or truffolo@zacks.com
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