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Zacks Rank versus Zacks Recommendation


Zacks Investment Research has two powerful stock rating systems: the Zacks Rank, which you have been reading about, and the Zacks Recommendation. Each provides valuable insights into the future profitability of a stock and can be used separately or in combination with each other depending on your investment style.


As you now know, the Zacks Rank is a short-term rating system designed to predict price movements over the next 1-3 months. The Zacks Rank universe covers approximately 4,400 stocks.


The Zacks Recommendation was created as a system to provide superior long-term recommendations on the same group of 4,400 stocks. The Zacks Recommendation compliments the Zacks Rank by effectively predicting price movements over periods of six months or longer.


The philosophy at Zacks is that quantitative models, like the Zacks Rank, can predict stock prices more accurately than individual analysts. However, we recognize that quantitative models are most effective when they are employed by analysts who have deep fundamental knowledge of the company and its industry. Zacks Recommendations provide that best of both worlds approach given the usage of both a quantitative model and equity analysts.


  • Quantitative Recommendations: The Zacks Recommendations are built on top of the Zacks Rank. This new quantitative model that has proven to be extremely profitable for long-term stock selection. For all stocks covered by the Zacks Rank, a quantitative Zacks Recommendation is also calculated. Zacks Premium subscribers can see the quantitative Zacks Recommendation for all stocks not covered by Zacks Equity Research analysts on
  • Analyst Recommendations: The Zacks Equity Research division employs a team of 50 analysts to make hand-picked stock recommendations (aka Analyst Recommendations). These analysts are fully versed in the benefits of earnings estimate revisions and how that is harnessed through the Zacks Rank and the new long-term quantitative model. Each analyst has the ability to override the quantitative recommendations for the 1150 stocks that they follow. Analyst recommendations, and their commentary, are available to subscribers.


Why allow the analysts to override the quantitative model?


First, because there are often factors such as valuation, industry conditions and management effectiveness that a trained investment professional can spot better than a quantitative model. Second, and most importantly, Zacks Equity Research analyst recommendations have overall outperformed the model in the cases where they have overridden the quantitative recommendations.


Which Stock Rating is Right for You?


The short answer is that it depends on your investment time horizon. If you are a short term trader, then the Zacks Rank with its 1-3 month outlook is most appropriate. If you are a long-term investor, then best for you to turn to the Zacks Recommendations that is meant for a 6+ month time horizon. You might also want to search for stocks that are highly rated by both systems.



Next: ABR & the Zacks Rank

Previous: Zacks Rank & Investment Strategies

Zacks Rank Guide Table of Contents

(A version of this guide formatted for printing is also available.)

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