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About Zacks Equity Research


Zacks Equity Research provides the best of quantitative and qualitative analysis to help investors know what stocks to buy and which to sell for the long term.


Our firm has long believed that that quantitative models (like the Zacks Rank) can predict stock prices more accurately than individual analysts. However we also recognize that models are most effective when they are employed by analysts who have deep fundamental knowledge of the company and its industry. Consequently Zacks Equity Research combines Zacks quantitative models with the insight provided by experienced equity analysts to create superior long term stock analyses.

Breadth of Coverage

Our staff of 50 junior and senior analysts provides continuous coverage for a universe of 1,150 US and Canadian traded companies and NYSE traded ADRs. Our universe includes approximately 52% of the S&P 500, and is evenly weighted across the three market caps, comprised of roughly 34% Large Cap, 32% Mid Cap, and 34% Small Cap. Our analysts are organized by industry which gives them keen insights to developments that affect company profits and stock performance.


The best way to judge the value of our recommendations is through their performance. On the following page we provide you insight into the performance of both our Buy and Sell recommendations versus the S&P 500. We also break it down our recommendations by industry to show our expertise in each field. View Zacks Equity Research Performance.

Company Research Reports

Valuable Commentary: All reports include current and prior recommendations, a six month price target, and a company outlook, all written by our analysts. The Hold recommendation reports also contain the Bull and a Bear story, offering additional insights on whether to own or sell the security.

Proprietary Content: In addition to the commentary, all estimates data and price targets are set by the analysts, not consensus information. Analysts also provide their own valuation, as well as projected income statement and balance sheet for each security.

Preview Access (Free): We prominently feature selected excerpts from Zacks Equity Research every day on our home page at At the top of the home page you will find our featured articles such as:

Full Access (Premium) Full access to Zacks Equity Research reports is only available with a subscription to the Zacks Advisor. Besides the articles noted above you will also discover:

  • All 1150 Company Research Reports
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  • Zacks Focus List (stocks for the long term)
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Zacks Recommendation has been withdrawn. Learn more

Due to overwhelming customer feedback we have removed the Zacks Recommendation. Unfortunately, having two separate rating systems proved far too confusing to most investors. Going forward we will just focus on the Zacks Rank which has a longer and more impressive track record of outperformance. Even though the Zacks Rank is primarily used for stock trading in a 1-3 month time frame, it also can be very helpful for long term investors. To learn more about using the Zacks Rank for long term investing, click here.

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