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Weekend Wisdom: Archive

Tracey Ryniec

The #1 Insider Signal Every Trader Should Know

The "cluster buy" is the strongest signal in legal insider trading, but you won't hear about them from the media. Tracey Ryniec offers an easy way to find and profit from this robust buying behavior.

Tracey Ryniec

Buy When Everyone is Selling

Easier said than done for normal investors, but not for company insiders. Tracey highlights two of their key advantages and shows how you can get in on the action as buying picks up in the second half.

Kevin Matras

A Tale of Two Investors, Which One Are You?

Whether the market is rallying or plunging, there are always investors making money. Are you one of them? Kevin will show you what those beating the market are doing right and how you can join them.

Kevin Matras

You Don't Have To Be A Market Timer To Beat The Market

If you mitigate your losses as the market goes lower, you'll be better positioned to make lots of money once it moves higher again. Kevin Matras will help increase your odds of success without worrying about finding the bottom.

Bryan Hayes

Great Time to Profit from Dividends

Dividends are a great way to generate significant returns from stocks... in good markets or bad. Bryan Hayes highlights three types of dividend-related investments that provide the best returns over time.

Bryan Hayes

An Ideal Strategy for Today's Volatile Markets

A consistently rising dividend trend is a great sign of a company's earnings growth potential, especially if it continues moving higher during uncertain times like these. Bryan Hayes will show you how to find the best dividend-paying stocks.

Kevin Matras

Becoming A Better Investor Can Change Your Life

But first you need to know what kind of investor you are. Kevin Matras can help you discover which trading style (or combination of styles) fits you best and increases your opportunities for success.

Kevin Matras

Did You Sell At The Lows (Or Worse, Short At The Lows), And Are Wondering What To Do Now?

Smart money management can keep you from losing big during market downturns. Kevin Matras will show you how to mitigate losses, lock in profits and prepare for the inevitable rebound.

Sheraz Mian

How to Make the Most of Today's Market

The bulls and bears have very different ideas on what these two weeks of epic gains mean for the market. Sheraz Mian goes over both arguments, and then picks the course most likely to benefit investors moving forward.

Sheraz Mian

Have Stocks Bottomed?

Sheraz Mian highlights two reasons why the market might rebound in the days ahead and how you can capitalize on the tremendous opportunities to come.

Jeremy Mullin

The Commodity Bull Market Will Continue

Money has been shifting aggressively into commodities for several months now... and it's not going to stop anytime soon. Jeremy Mullin explains why this market trend is so popular and highlights three ways to take advantage of these big moves.

Jeremy Mullin

These Ignored Assets Beat Your Favorite Stocks

The "next big thing" is an often-overlooked asset class that can prosper during times of rising rates, soaring inflation and geopolitical strife. Jeremy Mullin explains how commodities can bring big profits through the end of the year and beyond.

Kevin Matras

How To Build Back Your Portfolio In A Bear Market

With valuations at two-year lows and a rebound somewhere on the horizon; now is the time to put together your "Dream Portfolio". Kevin Matras will put the probability of success in your favor.

Kevin Matras

How To Trade The Current Bear, And Plan For The Coming Bull

This bear market is providing an enormous opportunity for savvy investors. Now is the time to start nibbling on your favorite stocks at bargain prices. Kevin Matras will keep you engaged and ready for the inevitable rebound.

David Bartosiak

3 Secrets to Quick Profits this Earnings Season

Nothing can move a stock faster, up or down, than an earnings announcement. So with the season about to heat up, Dave Bartosiak has a few ideas to help align your portfolio for the weeks ahead.

David Bartosiak

How to Find Big Winners This Earnings Season

Given all the challenges out there, the "dartboard" approach to picking stocks just isn't going to work this earnings season. But Dave Bartosiak can increase your odds of success by finding the winners before they report.

Kevin Matras

How To Trade The Current Bear, And Plan For The Coming Bull

The best part about bear markets are the spectacular rallies that follow. Now is the time to start nibbling on your favorite stocks at bargain prices. Kevin Matras will keep you engaged and ready for the inevitable rebound.

Kevin Matras

You Can Beat The Market, Even In Times Like This

Despite this rough start to 2022, there are still plenty of investors beating the market. Kevin Matras will help expand your "universe" of stocks to find fantastic returns from places you never considered before.

Tracey Ryniec

How to Pick Great Value Stocks Like Warren Buffett

The "Oracle of Omaha" is diving into the market right now, signaling that this is a great time to be a value investor. Tracey Ryniec highlights three secrets that can help you pick great value stocks just like Buffett.

Tracey Ryniec

The Golden Era of Value Investing is Back

Tracey Ryniec outlines three reasons why the 2020s will be a big decade for value investing, and how you can take advantage of the limitless opportunities.

Kevin Matras

How To Trade The Current Bear, And Planning For The Coming Bull

Bear markets are never fun, but they do set up exciting opportunities for the future. Now is the time to start nibbling on your favorite stocks at bargain prices. Kevin Matras will keep you engaged and ready for the inevitable rebound.

Kevin Matras

With The S&P In A Bear Market, Read This Before Your Next Trade

Valuations are at their lowest levels in more than two years, so there are tons of bargains in the market right now. But you still need to be selective. Kevin Matras will help put the probability of success in your favor.

David Bartosiak

The Smartest Way to Buy Blockchain Stocks

There are numerous ways to play the cryptocurrency boom. Dave will help you separate the pretenders from the contenders in this rapidly-growing space.

David Bartosiak

The Top 5 Investment Plays for Blockchain

There are plenty of ways to invest in blockchain these days. Dave breaks down five categories that can help you find fundamentally-sound investments with real, sustainable businesses.

Brian Bolan

Making a Profit from Stock Dips

The secret is to buy stocks that have been burned, but still have the potential to soar. And there's a lot of them right now! Brian Bolan will show you how to find the charred names that are poised to rebound.