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Weekend Wisdom: Archive

Benjamin Rains

Nuclear Energy: Transforming the World, Wall Street & Your Portfolio

Believe it or not, but nuclear energy will be as transformational to the future as AI. If the world wants to reduce its fossil fuel use, this once-shunned energy source will have to play a big part. Ben Rains explains how you can benefit from the nuclear stock surge.

Bryan Hayes

Building on the Bull: Stars Align for Above-Average Returns

History says that buying at all-time highs can be very lucrative, especially when the rally is broadening and seasonal factors point to more upside. Bryan Hayes can help dispel your fears of buying at record highs so you don't miss out on this long-term bullish trend.

Kevin Matras

Why The Bull Market Of 2024 Is Just Getting Started

Stocks rallied right out of 2023 and into 2024... and they're not even close to being done. Kevin Matras highlights several compelling reasons why the market is poised to continue surging this year and how you can take advantage.

Brian Bolan

3 Keys to Undervalued Stocks with Soaring Upside

Despite the market making record highs, there are still low-priced stocks out there if you know where to look. Brian Bolan explains how you can use this unique environment to confidently pay less for big returns.

Jeremy Mullin

An Investor Game Plan After a Historic Rally

Investors need a rational game plan just as much after a big rally as they did before. Jeremy Mullin has you covered with a four-step process for success amid all-time highs and ever-looming risks.

Tracey Ryniec

The #1 Insider Signal Every Trader Should Know

The "cluster buy" is the strongest signal in legal insider trading, but you won't hear about them from the media. Tracey Ryniec offers an easy way to find and profit from this robust buying behavior.

Kevin Matras

Why Stocks Are Poised To Soar Again In 2024

Stocks rallied right out of 2023 and into 2024... and they're not even close to being done. Kevin Matras highlights several compelling reasons why the market is poised to continue surging this year and how you can take advantage.

Andrew Rocco

Best Wealth-Building Machine Known to Mankind

This market may be the "golden goose of capitalism", but you still have to do some homework to be successful. Andrew Rocco can help you determine market direction and find the next big winner.

Sheraz Mian

How to Make the Most of Today's Market

We just completed a positive month of January, which the bulls think is a harbinger for a solid 2024. But will the bears have the last laugh? Sheraz Mian examines both arguments and then picks the course most likely to benefit investors moving forward.

Ethan Feller

5 Timeless Investing Principles Reaffirmed

It's crucial for investors to learn from their mistakes and be willing to make changes when necessary. Ethan Feller highlights a group of principals that will help you do good research and make confident decisions in 2024.

Kevin Matras

Why Stocks Are Poised To Soar Again In 2024

Despite a rocky start to the year, stocks are now higher for 2024 after this week's impressive rally. And this may just be the beginning of another spectacular run! Kevin Matras highlights several compelling reasons why the market is poised to surge this year and how you can take advantage.

David Bartosiak

Best Way to Make Money on Earnings Surprises

Why do some stocks plunge on a positive earnings surprise while others skyrocket? Dave will show you how to tell the difference before a company reports as we begin a new earnings season.

Kevin Matras

One Little Secret For Big Results In 2024

Small changes in your portfolio can mean big improvements in your returns... and a New Year is the perfect time to make such adjustments. Kevin Matras will show you how to be successful in 2024 one tiny step at a time.

Sheraz Mian

Building a Successful Portfolio for 2024

Investors without a clear roadmap in 2023 failed to take full advantage of the market's epic end-of-the-year rally. Don't let that happen in the New Year! Sheraz Mian will help you draw a clear blueprint for success in 2024 with 5 elements for a profitable portfolio.

Jeremy Mullin

7 Market Predictions for 2024

People make resolutions around New Year's, but stock strategists make predictions. And Jeremy Mullin sees a less frantic and more profitable 2024. Find out what to expect next year and how you can get the most out of it.

Kevin Matras

Why Stocks Are Poised To Finish The Year Strong, And Soar Next Year

Stocks have reached 2023 highs in this robust fourth-quarter rally, but history says that this may be just the beginning. Kevin Matras highlights several compelling reasons why the market is poised to surge in 2024 and how you can take advantage.

Ethan Feller

A Life Well Lived: 5 Enduring Investing Lessons

The late, great Charlie Munger had nearly 100 years to put together "mental models" that helped him overcome business and investing problems, which he fortunately shared with the world. Ethan Feller breaks down a few of his greatest lessons that every investor can use in good times and bad.

Andrew Rocco

10 Timeless Wall Street Lessons

The best way to deal with the market's unpredictable pressures is through firsthand experience, which is what Andrew Rocco brings to the table. Learn how to decipher what the market is telling you right now with a few timeless, real-world lessons.

Brian Bolan

Making a Profit from Stock Dips

The secret is to buy stocks that were burned during the three-month correction, but still have the potential to soar now that the rally has resumed. And there are a lot of them right now with the rising-rate environment on its last legs. Brian Bolan will show you how to find the charred names that are poised to rebound.

Kevin Matras

Why Stocks Are Poised To Finish The Year Strong

The three-month correction is finally over and the market seems all set for a monster fourth-quarter rally. Kevin Matras highlights some proven methods that will help you take advantage of this year-end surge.

Tracey Ryniec

Buffett's 3 Stock Picking Secrets

The investing legend became a billionaire by buying cheap or out-of-favor stocks and holding them for years. Tracey Ryniec highlights three secrets that can help you find profitable value stocks at marked down prices too.

Brian Bolan

3 Keys to Undervalued Stocks with Big Upside Potential

Challenging market conditions create amazing opportunities, but you need to know where to look. Brian Bolan explains how you can use this volatile environment to confidently pay less for big returns.

Sheraz Mian

How to Make the Most of Today's Market

Stocks have really lost steam after a fantastic start to 2023. So were the bears right all along? Or will the bulls charge again in Q4? Sheraz Mian examines both arguments and then picks the course most likely to benefit investors moving forward.

Andrew Rocco

Signal vs Noise: Your Path to Profitability

The market is influenced by a number of different factors on a daily basis, but successful investors can separate real catalysts from useless chaff. Andrew Rocco can help you tune into the hottest areas with the most chance for success.

David Bartosiak

3 Secrets to Quick Profits this Earnings Season

Nothing can move a stock faster, up or down, than an earnings announcement. So with the season about to heat up, Dave Bartosiak has a few ideas to help align your portfolio for the weeks ahead.