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Weekend Wisdom: Archive

Kevin Matras

Stocks Are About To Enter The Best Quarter Of The Year! Are You Ready?

The fourth quarter is historically the best time of the year for the market... and that doesn't account for the upcoming rate-cutting cycle. Kevin Matras shows how to use the usually difficult month of September to prepare for the final flourish of 2024.

Brian Bolan

Making a Profit from Stock Dips

Now that the Fed is poised to start cutting rates, its time to pick up the names that were hampered in the previous environment. Brian Bolan can help you pinpoint characteristics in stocks that suggest an epic rebound in the making.

Andrew Rocco

How Do Stocks React to Rate Cuts?

Now that the Fed has signaled a rate cut on the horizon, history says that the market is set for a solid 12 months (at least). Andrew Rocco explains the importance of liquidity in this equation with a little help from Aristotle and Stanley Druckenmiller.

Tracey Ryniec

Buffett's 3 Stock Picking Secrets

The investing legend became a billionaire by buying cheap or out-of-favor stocks and holding them for years. Tracey Ryniec highlights three secrets that can also help you find profitable value stocks at marked down prices.

Kevin Matras

If You Missed Buying The Dip, It's Not Too Late To Get In Before The Next Leg Up

We're emerging from a run-of-the-mill bull market correction, so investors have another amazing buying opportunity. Don't let it pass you by! Kevin Matras will help you find the right strategy to capitalize on the market's next run to new highs.

Andrew Rocco

Crisis Equals Opportunity: A Crucial Discussion on Today's Stock Market

Short-term crises often lead to long-term opportunities. Andrew Rocco can help you develop a probabilistic mindset so that you can learn to navigate risk, rather than just avoiding it (which you can't do anyway).

Sheraz Mian

How to Make the Most of Today's Market

A rate cut in September seems likely, but the bulls and bears are now debating if the Fed took too long and what that could mean for the market. Sheraz Mian examines both arguments and then picks the course most likely to benefit investors moving forward.

Ethan Feller

Navigating Investments Through the US Presidential Election

The volatility of election season can either cause investors to make rash short-term decisions, or open unlimited opportunities regardless of who wins. Ethan Feller will help you look past the political hyperbole and use the uncertainty to your advantage.

Kevin Matras

Market Rotation Should Begin A New Leg Up... And Not Just For Small-Caps

A new phase for the market does NOT mean that the bull run is ending. Just the opposite! Kevin Matras explains how the broadening of this rally could lead to even greater gains for investors that are prepared.

David Bartosiak

Best Way to Make Money on Earnings Surprises

Why do some stocks plunge on a positive earnings surprise while others skyrocket? Dave Bartosiak will show you how to tell the difference before a company reports as we begin a new earnings season.

Kevin Matras

Why Stocks Are On Pace For A Historic Second Half

Stocks recently finished a fantastic first half of 2024... and the best part is that there's more upside to come! So, it's not too late to take advantage of this bull run for the ages. Kevin Matras highlights several reasons why the market will continue to advance in the second half and beyond.

Tracey Ryniec

The #1 Insider Signal Every Trader Should Know

The "cluster buy" is the strongest signal in legal insider trading, but you won't hear about them from the media.. Tracey Ryniec offers an easy way to find and profit from this robust buying behavior.

Ethan Feller

Do Not Fear... The Bull Market Is Here (To Stay)

Don't let record highs keep you from making money in this market. Ethan Feller believes we're at the beginning of an extended bull run... and he brought the receipts. Learn about several factors backing up this powerful trend and how you can find the biggest winners.

Kevin Matras

Why Stocks Are On Pace For A Historic Bull Market This Year

Stocks are back to making new highs on a regular basis, but several factors suggest that much more upside is to come. Don't miss out on it! Kevin Matras explains how you can profit from what's shaping up to be a bull run for the ages.

Brian Bolan

3 Keys to Undervalued Stocks with Soaring Upside

Despite the market making record highs, there are still low-priced stocks out there if you know where to look. Brian Bolan explains how you can use this unique environment to confidently pay less for big returns.

Jeremy Mullin

Commodities in 2024: Big Moves, Greater Opportunities

Commodities provide tremendous possibilities in this market, but how can an average investor get involved in such a complex area? Jeremy Mullin explains how you can trade commodities like a stock and speculates on where the next big jumps can be found.

David Bartosiak

What's Better Than Meme Stocks?

The recent resurgence of "meme-mania" shows that this unpredictable phenomenon is here to stay. But are you the right kind of investor to take advantage? Dave Bartosiak loves this stuff and can help you find opportunities amid the volatility.

Kevin Matras

Why Stocks Are On Pace For A Historic Bull Market This Year

Don't let the old and outdated adage "Sell in May and Go Away" keep you from taking advantage of this bull market. Now that stocks have full recovered from their April pullback, Kevin explains how you can profit from what's shaping up to be a bull run for the ages.

Andrew Rocco

AI Stocks Retreat, Buy Now!

As with any high-growth market, there's more than one way to make money from the great AI rush. Andrew Rocco sees plenty of potential in the data centers that support these complex systems, and the recent pullback provides a great opportunity to get involved.

Sheraz Mian

How to Make the Most of Today's Market

The market just had its first losing month of 2024. So are the bears back in control after a five-month rally? Or are the bulls just taking a break before the next charge? Sheraz Mian examines both arguments and then picks the course most likely to benefit investors moving forward.

Ethan Feller

Preparing for the Greatest Buying Opportunity of the Year

The market's recent pullback is NOT a time to be fearful. Just the opposite. Ethan Feller goes over several long-term bullish factors that will help savvy investors pull big profits after this short-term uncertainty.

Kevin Matras

Buy The Dip Before The Next Leg Up

Pullbacks are common and healthy, so don't worry about the last few weeks. Kevin Matras highlights several reasons why the bulls will be charging again soon... and how you can take advantage.

David Bartosiak

3 Secrets to Quick Profits this Earnings Season

Nothing can move a stock faster, up or down, than an earnings announcement. So with the season about to heat up, Dave Bartosiak has a few ideas to help align your portfolio for the weeks ahead.

Kevin Matras

A Tale of Two Investors, Which One Are You?

It's been a spectacular rally so far in 2024 with a lot more to come, but there are still tons of investors who are underperforming. Are you one of them? Kevin will show you what those beating the market are doing right and how you can join them.

Benjamin Rains

Nuclear Energy: Transforming the World, Wall Street & Your Portfolio

Believe it or not, but nuclear energy will be as transformational to the future as AI. If the world wants to reduce its fossil fuel use, this once-shunned energy source will have to play a big part. Ben Rains explains how you can benefit from the nuclear stock surge.