Are You Ready to Profit from the AI Revolution?

Over the past several years, many of Wall Street's hottest stocks came from the world of technology. Household names such as Netflix, Amazon and Facebook emerged as top performers and helped send broader markets higher.

However, where these stocks once promised ludicrous growth now stands increased competition and industry maturity. The trends of yesterday -- including video streaming, e-commerce and social media -- remain promising, but they are no longer the upstart segments they once were. But investors looking for the next high-growth opportunity may look no further than a brand-new trend that has the chance to expand exponentially over the coming years.

So where should those looking for compounding growth put their money right now? Let's take a closer look.

The Artificial Intelligence Revolution

Companies are just now beginning to understand how to harness the power of data, with machines learning and improving on their own, with minimal to no human intervention at all. These changes and the advent of 'artificial intelligence' are likely to revolutionize a number of industries, and all a lot sooner than you think.

Recent estimates have called for the artificial intelligence market to generate global revenue of $57.6 billion in 2021, up from just $12 billion in 2017. That would represent staggering growth of 380% in just a few short years.

What's even more exciting is the fact that many researchers believe we have only scratched the surface of our understanding here. In other words, AI could be set to unlock new possibilities that we cannot yet account -- possibilities that not only fall outside of current growth estimates, but also have the potential to change humanity forever.

That world-changing potential exceeds even the most optimistic expectations for aforementioned growth trends like video streaming and social media. Still, it will take an informed and disciplined investment strategy to ensure the sharpest profits in the world of AI.

More . . .


Alert: Don't Miss the 380% Revenue Explosion

Time's almost up to access Zacks' Special Report on the hottest of all technology topics. This space is already transforming our economy. Last year, it generated $12 billion in global revenues. By 2021 it's predicted to hit $57.6 billion. Famed investor Mark Cuban says it will create "the world's first trillionaires."

That would still leave plenty of money left for you. But you only have until midnight Sunday, May 27 to download this urgent report and see 3 stocks with soaring profit potential.

See them right now >>


As with any new opportunity, it is important for investors to have an understanding of the market and its various catalysts and headwinds before honing in on any specific stocks. So what exactly falls under the umbrella term "artificial intelligence?" In that same vein, what is machine learning? How is it different than deep learning? Moreover, where does "big data" fall into the equation?

If you are unsure about the answers to any of these questions -- or if the simple mention of "artificial intelligence" conjures images of a robot-led apocalypse -- I implore you to read on.

Don't Fear, Just Profit

For now, we can leave the ethical and philosophical questions surrounding AI to the experts. Sure, some researchers are rightfully concerned about the potential for danger if AI is left unregulated, but as investors, we need to focus on maximizing profitability from the opportunities that are coming very soon.

These opportunities lie in three key areas: big data, robotics and side projects.

Big Data: The volume of data that we experience and deal with on a daily basis is truly incredible, and one of the least discussed major market trends as of late. It isn't just a perception of information overload either though. In fact, according to Eric Schmidt of Google, as much info is being created every two days as was created from the dawn of civilization to the year 2003. Big data provides the information that machine learning and artificial intelligence programs feed on.

Robotics: The development of machines with human-like cognitive functions should help the development of human-like physical functions, leading to an unprecedented era for robotics and automation. Civilization like that seen Will Smith's iRobot is still far out, but several notable companies are helping the world move in that direction right now.

Side Projects: The best choices to play the two aforementioned fields are small, high-growth stocks on the cusp of remarkable expansion. But AI also presents a chance to take a look at some of the technology sector's most-recognizable names, who are all working on related side projects that could become key growth drivers soon. Talked to your phone's virtual assistant lately? Asked your smart speaker a question? You did so with the help of artificial intelligence platforms designed by the world's leading technology firms.

Want to know more about which specific stocks to target in order to capture the best profit potential in these three fields?

Where to Find the Next Netflixes, Amazons and Facebooks

Fortunately, here at Zacks, we have identified several companies that have incredible potential to be kings of this revolutionary technology shift and look to be big players for years to come.

In fact, we now offer a Special Report to fill you in on many investment alternatives to tap big data and other aspects of an ever expanding, more all-encompassing AI boom. You are welcome to download The 380% Revenue Explosion right now.

Yes, this space is truly exploding. It's estimated to blast from $12 billion global revenue in 2017 to $57.6 billion by 2021. Billionaire Mark Cuban says it will create the world's first trillionaires.

The report lays out many opportunities to consider, but it focuses on 3 stocks to buy right away. Don't wait to see them. Access to The 380% Revenue Explosion ends midnight Sunday, May 27.

See Zacks' Special Report with 3 Top Picks Now >>

Have a great Memorial Day weekend,


Ryan McQueeney covers breaking news and provides Zacks Rank-based analysis for companies in the technology, consumer goods, retail, biotech and energy industries. He invites you to download Zacks' newly released Special Report, The 380% Revenue Explosion.

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