First Quarter Earnings Make an Entrance


The Q1 Earnings Season has taken center stage now. Our Chief Equity Strategist and Economist, John Blank, has the latest Spoken Word on it.

John, you’ve written that you’re looking for yet another stellar earnings season, correct?

  • Will this be the main market driver for a while?
  • What kind of earnings growth are you looking for this time?
  • There’s also a European Earnings Season. What’s up with that?
  • What other issues are affecting markets?
  • There are 3 stocks on your radar now…Amazon, Ecopetrol SA and Arcelor Mittal.

Let’s talk a bit about our economy. You describe it as a Rodney Dangerfield Economy. How so?

  • What are the top issues in play regarding our economy?
  • Is corporate leverage the catalyst for the next downturn?
  • What about inflation pressures, how strong are they?

That’s the Spoken Word on earnings season, the market and economy from our Chief Equity Strategist and Economist, John Blank. With John, I’m Terry Ruffolo.