B Value | B Growth | F Momentum | B VGM
The Style Scores are a complementary set of indicators to use alongside the Zacks Rank. It allows the user to better focus on the stocks that are the best fit for his or her personal trading style.
The scores are based on the trading styles of Value, Growth, and Momentum. There's also a VGM Score ('V' for Value, 'G' for Growth and 'M' for Momentum), which combines the weighted average of the individual style scores into one score.
Value Score | A |
Growth Score | A |
Momentum Score | A |
VGM Score | A |
Within each Score, stocks are graded into five groups: A, B, C, D and F. As you might remember from your school days, an A, is better than a B; a B is better than a C; a C is better than a D; and a D is better than an F.
As an investor, you want to buy stocks with the highest probability of success. That means you want to buy stocks with a Zacks Rank #1 or #2, Strong Buy or Buy, which also has a Score of an A or a B in your personal trading style.
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This is our short term rating system that serves as a timeliness indicator for stocks over the next 1 to 3 months. How good is it? See rankings and related performance below.
Zacks Rank | Definition | Annualized Return |
1 | Strong Buy | 24.30% |
2 | Buy | 18.13% |
3 | Hold | 9.74% |
4 | Sell | 5.28% |
5 | Strong Sell | 2.72% |
S&P | 500 | 11.39% |
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The detailed multi-page Analyst report does an even deeper dive on the company's vital statistics. In addition to all of the proprietary analysis in the Snapshot, the report also visually displays the four components of the Zacks Rank (Agreement, Magnitude, Upside and Surprise); provides a comprehensive overview of the company business drivers, complete with earnings and sales charts; a recap of their last earnings report; and a bulleted list of reasons to buy or sell the stock. It also includes an industry comparison table to see how your stock compares to its expanded industry, and the S&P 500.
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The Zacks Industry Rank assigns a rating to each of the 265 X (Expanded) Industries based on their average Zacks Rank.
An industry with a larger percentage of Zacks Rank #1's and #2's will have a better average Zacks Rank than one with a larger percentage of Zacks Rank #4's and #5's.
The industry with the best average Zacks Rank would be considered the top industry (1 out of 265), which would place it in the top 1% of Zacks Ranked Industries. The industry with the worst average Zacks Rank (265 out of 265) would place in the bottom 1%.
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() Quote Overview » More Research » () Full Company Report
Company Summary
Merck & Co. boasts more than six blockbuster drugs in its portfolio with PD-L1 inhibitor, Keytruda, approved for several types of cancer. Keytruda has played an instrumental role in driving Merck's steady revenue growth in the past few years. Well-known products in Merck's portfolio include Keytruda, Simponi , Januvia and Janumet, Bridion, Isentress, ProQuad, Gardasil, Pneumovax 23, RotaTeq and Belsomra. Merck made its biggest acquisition of Schering-Plough and sold off its Consumer Care business to Bayer. Other key acquisitions include Idenix Pharmaceuticals, Cubist Pharmaceuticals, Rigontec, ArQule and Acceleron Pharma. IMerck spun off products from its Women's Health unit, legacy drugs and biosimilar products into a new publicly traded company called Organon & Co.
General Information
Merck & Co, Inc
126 East Lincoln Avenue
Rahway, NJ 07065
Phone: 908-740-4000
Fax: 908-735-1253
Web: http://www.merck.com
Email: investor_relations@merck.com
Industry | Large Cap Pharmaceuticals |
Sector | Medical |
Fiscal Year End | December |
Last Reported Quarter | 12/31/2024 |
Next EPS Date | 2/4/2025 |
EPS Information
Current Quarter EPS Consensus Estimate | 1.76 |
Current Year EPS Consensus Estimate | 7.70 |
Estimated Long-Term EPS Growth Rate | 9.00 |
Next EPS Report Date | 2/4/2025 |
Price and Volume Information
Zacks Rank | |
Yesterday's Close | 100.70 |
52 Week High | 134.63 |
52 Week Low | 94.48 |
Beta | 0.39 |
20 Day Moving Average | 7,098,219.00 |
Target Price Consensus | 129.22 |
4 Week | -0.13 |
12 Week | -5.83 |
YTD | -1.57 |
4 Week | -1.23 |
12 Week | -8.79 |
YTD | -3.46 |
Shares Outstanding (millions) | 2,529.64 |
Market Capitalization (millions) | 247,701.91 |
Short Ratio | NA |
Last Split Date | 2/17/1999 |
Dividend Yield | 3.31% |
Annual Dividend | $3.24 |
Payout Ratio | 0.52 |
Change in Payout Ratio | -0.10 |
Last Dividend Payout / Amount | 12/16/2024 / $0.81 |
Fundamental Ratios
P/E (F1) | 10.37 |
Trailing 12 Months | 16.46 |
PEG Ratio | 1.15 |
vs. Previous Year | -26.29% |
vs. Previous Quarter | -31.14% |
vs. Previous Year | 4.35% |
vs. Previous Quarter | 3.38% |
Price/Book | 5.57 |
Price/Cash Flow | 32.19 |
Price / Sales | 3.92 |
12/31/24 | NA |
9/30/24 | 36.42 |
6/30/24 | 40.69 |
12/31/24 | NA |
9/30/24 | 13.68 |
6/30/24 | 15.36 |
12/31/24 | NA |
9/30/24 | 1.36 |
6/30/24 | 1.47 |
12/31/24 | NA |
9/30/24 | 1.15 |
6/30/24 | 1.22 |
12/31/24 | NA |
9/30/24 | 23.96 |
6/30/24 | 26.54 |
12/31/24 | NA |
9/30/24 | 19.23 |
6/30/24 | 21.99 |
12/31/24 | NA |
9/30/24 | 21.72 |
6/30/24 | 24.41 |
12/31/24 | NA |
9/30/24 | 17.59 |
6/30/24 | 17.23 |
12/31/24 | NA |
9/30/24 | 2.39 |
6/30/24 | 2.43 |
12/31/24 | NA |
9/30/24 | 0.79 |
6/30/24 | 0.80 |
12/31/24 | NA |
9/30/24 | 43.98 |
6/30/24 | 44.30 |