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Brian Bolan

Brian Bolan


  • Stocks - short
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  • Equity Market Anomalies
  • Screening with Market Cap
  • Stock Research
  • Stock Education
  • Investor Education
  • Stock Options
  • Long-term Investing
  • Portfolio Analysis
  • Zacks #1 Stocks
  • Aggressive Growth
  • Stock Screening


Brian Bolan

Growth Stock Strategist

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Brian Bolan has been an investment professional for more than 15 years holding roles in equity research, investment banking and private equity investment and analysis. Having concentrated most of his career in equity research covering internet names, Brian earned a number of merit awards including holding the title of most accurate EPS estimates for Google by StarMine. As an equity research analyst, Brian had the chance to make several interesting calls including a very early call to sell Yahoo just after Microsoft attempted to take over the company. Mr. Bolan was the first to make the aggressive call that the deal will not happen and investors would be punished. On the long side, Brian pounded the table for investors to buy eBay when it was in the mid-teens, and investors have been rewarded with a double since that call. Brian was a research analyst for several small brokerage firms and was the Director of Research for Jackson Securities. Starting his career in the investment banking division of NatCity Investments, Brian was exposed to public and corporate finance before moving to research. While with Madison Securities, Mr. Bolan expanded his background into the world of private equity while maintaining research of portfolio companies.